Monday, June 9, 2014

Short story pt 1

 The pain was intolerable, who knew that dreaming about pain and experiencing it was so different. Romanticizing pain would be my downfall I think, I never expected it to hurt this much... did I think I was a masochist or something?
Tears dripped down my face making me ashamed of my control. I mean I can still think of all this stuff here and go off dreaming of my life before this happened. But I can't compartmentalize my pain? Can't I shove it down? Put it outside of myself?
All of the sudden it stopped, the ache of all of the pain slowly faded with just small slow shadows here and there when I moved my head or an arm.
After I don't know how long he entered the room helping me to my feet and out to a small table where if he was a creature of habit, which I'm certain he is, he would feed me and then help me to bed without saying a word.
Not wanting to stay in silence for long I started talking, more to myself than at him, stating little things like last time they didn't use needles on my back, I wasn't strapped to a table like the first time. It progressed to commenting on his clothes and his lack of speaking.
In a stupid male voice I started talking for him this time, “Oh yes I love porridge how'd ya know, its soooo salty and I absolutely freaken adore how it feels like bird poop in my mouth.”
I was so surprised when he snorted a small laugh I stopped eating and talking to just stare at him. Without looking at me he composed himself and started gathering the dishes I was done with leaving me with the porridge and a watery milk like drink I always saved for last. It kind of reminded me of a horchata but without the weird rice after taste and texture in your mouth.
Sighing I slowly finished my tasteless bird poop and drank the milk to take the grossness away, guess I'm a creature of habit also.

When I awoke I knew something was different, the schedule was off, everything was wrong. I heard talking down the, well where ever I was.
It took them 3 hrs to come to me, not like I could go anywhere. I already tried all the handles if there were any and all of the one window I was permitted, not that I could see out of it anyways, it was more that 7 feet up all I can see if I stood at the right angle was sky.
I expected them not to talk like the other 3, I did not recognize them, they were not my faced captors but I expected my faceless ones.
“So good to meet you.”
“...mmm are you not eating? You look thin.”

All making eye contact, all talking, I didn't know what to do. So I stood there taking the role of my faced captors. Going on as if this was a normal everyday meeting like we were meeting for coffee they talked about test results, which I guess you wouldn't talk about over coffee. None of it made any sense to me, yes I knew they were recording data from me, but I didn't know why or how. I was in a castle like dungeon, with no machines plugged into me or someone scribbling on a notepad of what my reactions were to what. And their terminology was off, they used strange words for what I assumed was different parts of my body and different instruments they had used.